How do you know that he truly loves you?

Does he bring flowers for you every day? Does he go around telling his buddies how amazing you are? Does he go on social media proclaiming his love for you? I bet none of that match with the man of your life. He goes to work, comes home tired, spends time with you and goes off to sleep. Sounds like a boring man? Think again! There are so many small gestures he shows every day which exemplifies how smitten he is with you. He will have you know that you are the one special person in his life with these signs. Do you wanna find out?

1. He lets you speak your mind

A man in love is not threatened by his lady’s intelligence and opinion. When he encourages you to share your thoughts and views, and appreciate your advice, you know for sure that he values your perspective. However, he will also disagree with you from time to time when you are being a little ridiculous. A man in love treats his relationship with you as transparently as he can.

2. He likes teasing you

Men might not be very good at giving us compliments all the time, but they make fun of us like our best friends do to show us that they really care. Not in a derogatory sense of the term, but a man in love likes to tease the crap out of his lady as he does to his closest buddies. Why? It’s because men want a friend for life from his relationships. Once the initial sexual mystery is over, he wants his girl to be there for him and have his back. It’s also what he expects from his closest friends.

3. He spends most of his free time with you

A man shows his love by wanting to spend his leisure time with you. But he would also like to have his guy time and that’s perfectly fine. When a man enjoys your company, comes to you whenever he has time and also makes the time for you despite being busy, you know for sure that he is in love. But remember, you mustn’t freak out when he doesn’t spend every single night with you. Like us all, they need time to do their own things. It’s in fact healthy for your relationship to spend individual times with your individual circle.

4. He likes to stay physically close to you

Once the initial high-tide of romance is over he might not be all over you all the time for sex, but a man in love likes to keep a physical touch with you even while doing random things. He likes keeping his arm around you, holds you by your waist when walking together, cuddles up on the couch, hugs you for no reason – a man who loves your company will always want to be in close proximity with you. It’s not always sexual, but innocent non-verbal expressions of love.

5. He starts mirroring your body language and quirks

We know men are not great as a listener. But when you two rock as a couple, he starts mirroring your behaviour and body language without even knowing it! He might not be aware, but it means he is paying close attention to you even though he barely realizes it. If you find him duplicating your tone, sitting postures and behavioural quirks you know he is in love with you.

6. He treats you like his best friend

Yes it can’t be stressed enough! A man looks for a best friend for life in his lady love. A friend who will stay by him in thick and thin, not judge him like the rest of the world, give him a safe space to open his heart and mind and keep all his secrets safe. He knows even though looks are important to him, it’s the person inside you he wants for life and he falls in love with that person when you become his best friend. Finally, a man who is in love with you will make you feel his love in his own ways and you will just know it. Share your insights in the comments section below.

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