Leaving your unhappy marriage is going to harm the kids, but the fights won’t?Couples therapy is NOT overrated; it is more effective than you think it isA marriage needs every day work, like your abs (GO EAT A SALAD)Your spouse cannot be the ONLY source for your happiness (They are not ice-cream!)
Finally, if the answer to the ‘Am I unhappy in my marriage?’ quiz has come out as a ‘Yes’, don’t worry and seek support immediately. A licensed professional can guide you on the way forward. They can suggest some therapeutic exercises to fix your marriage. They can also give advice on how to deal with the fear and shame of leaving an unhappy marriage. Also, if the answer to the ‘Am I unhappy in my marriage?’ quiz is a ‘No’ but you still feel otherwise, try getting more clarity by reaching out to a therapist. Our counselors from Bonobology’s panel are just a click away. Don’t ignore that gut feeling of yours. If you instinctively feel you are stuck, take proactive steps to change it. You know you deserve to be happy. Don’t let anyone or anything make you feel otherwise.